Friday, September 9, 2011

Things I have learned today:

1. I enjoy being a reporter in the field way more than I enjoy being indoor and behind this screen. Maybe I'll be Lois Lane for Halloween.

2. Sugarbear is not just a pet name....its the cutest little marsupial that likes to hang out in pockets--they live for some-teen yrs too. Not sure how normal your friends will think you are if you have one though...

3. Random drinks at 11:45 are not always a bad idea. However when mixed with chunky chips ahoy--they can leave a underwhelming aftertaste. 

4. Apparently I do not possess risky cutting edge humor.  Personally, I disagree (and of course I would) but nevertheless SOME people think I suck. I have decided that this is ok.

5. I can continuously watch business news (as I did this morning) with a genuine desire to really, truly get it-- but it inevitably ends up sounding like background noise.

6.I will try this again tomorrow.

7. The U.S. did some real nasty stuff in Guatemala during  the 40's. Though there is something very strange about finding this out from out the video below.

I won't say I am surprised....I will say that I think everyone in that control room cringed when the good Doctor got descriptive with the injection points. They wanted to know..they just didn't want to know all that....

Tsk Tsk....Land of the free...tsk tsk.

That's all I got for now.....most of my wit got used up on my unsuccessful pitch. That's probably what I get for making fun of the kids yesterday.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ok Proud Parents....we get it.

Remember when bumper stickers were just enough....?

When bragging rights were merely quick glances at the back of someone's mini-van. Oh longer...thanks to Facebook.

I know this may not sit well with everyone--but you know what? I've had just about enough of knowing who is starting their first day of what. I want mindless updates on your life, not your child's life...I did not friend 154, 7 year-olds.

Yessssss,  Johnny is going to kindergarten tomorrow, 1st grade--2nd grade (not even sure why that is worth a mention), junior high school (surprised that even still exists) and high school....yay. woop woop. Thank you and that's quite enough. Call your parents--they are the ones that want to know.

Me? I would rather an indirect rant about something that may or may not have to do with someone I know.

I mean really networking has taken mommy/daddy bragging to a whole new level.  No longer is it simply enough to "talk" at length about your child...but now we need to see your child in their first day of _____ outfit, in 4 different poses!

And yes, I understand that I don't have to click on these images--but I am a social networking junkie and I have no self control. Granted I would rather be looking at pictures of your end of the summer social gatherings--but if I must look at pictures of your children--I suppose I will.

Bottom line is at the end if the day..I am blaming YOU for backing me into this corner.

I guess there is one silver least your not apart of the group that MUST photograph their every meal and blast it out to the world....

or are you???????

Monday, September 5, 2011

Que Seria?

                                                                                           Photo Courtesy of Alvaro Puente

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Birthdays: aren't they just little powder kegs of meaning...

With each, another year--and with that,  another year-long reflection--and with that, another year-long prediction--and with those combined--you can feel all sorts of bipolar about where you stand today.

                                         Not settling is Not easy. 

Expecting, striving and achieving are a real bitch--and not for just the reasons you think.... 

Yes, they are because they take work--duh--no big surprise. But they additionally are because they nag the shit out of you when you are not working toward them.

(e.g Try to indulge in your vice of choice on a Sunday afternoon--you'll find that some would feel as though they'd just dropped out of med-school third year. It's complete crap to assign that much guilt or shame on yourself.)

Such double-sided wackness makes Drive and Expectation another level of annoying.

They should make a "don't take life so seriously" pill. I think we would be much better off, if we actually appreciated the basics and not the idealistics.

Think about how many situations you could apply that to in life.

(yes, spell check said idealistics is not a word--but it is now).

I'm not saying settle....I'm saying we need to try harder to enjoy the ride and well as the destination.

The deep exhale a level of happiness brings is worth lowering the bar. 

With that said--tomorrow I am checking out the very awesome Manu Chao La Ventura during tomorrow night's sold out show at Terminal 5 with the specific intention of letting that worthy fact devour my special brand of NYC anxiety and sweat alongside someone special.

For those that do not know Manu Chao--he is an extremely eclectic, and often philosophic musician who will no doubt be putting on a kick ass show.

From the NY Times
Manu Chao La Ventura (Sunday and Monday) Few artists elevate world music, that awkwardly Western phrase, to the globally minded creativity of Manu Chao. The Parisian singer-songwriter twists his brisk rock and pop beats into enthralling cultural experiments, crooning in multiple languages within songs (French, Arabic, Spanish, English and Wolof, to name a few) and combining instruments of numerous regions. A firm opponent to globalization and an equally ardent voice for social justice (no wonder he’s so popular with the European left), Mr. Chao’s multilingual flair is quite effective communication. At 8 p.m., Terminal 5, 610 West 56th Street, Clinton, (800) 745-3000,; sold out. (Anderson)

And now for some audio enjoyment..

Welcome're dreams were your ticket out...

Whew..that was one serious break.

Thing is friends, it is not easy to blog on a regular basis--especially when this is not an "outlet" as much as it is a necessity for my online presence. There is some real pressure there. (Which reminds me...what do you think of the new look?)

Either way, I can report that I have lightened up a bit. I am thankful to be a regular contributor to a major media outlet and have freed myself from the confines of my basement office.

Though there exists no bigger fan of my rants, than myself...but I need to give purpose to this endeavor, something more than my opinion. So I will post interviews, stories, info you should know about---items of interest--whatever is shot down by my Editors along with the links to my published work.

And if you write some cool shit---I will give you your props and post some your links too.

Though no worries there will undoubtedly be a fair share of my opinion...this is MY corner afterall.