Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ok Proud Parents....we get it.

Remember when bumper stickers were just enough....?

When bragging rights were merely quick glances at the back of someone's mini-van. Oh longer...thanks to Facebook.

I know this may not sit well with everyone--but you know what? I've had just about enough of knowing who is starting their first day of what. I want mindless updates on your life, not your child's life...I did not friend 154, 7 year-olds.

Yessssss,  Johnny is going to kindergarten tomorrow, 1st grade--2nd grade (not even sure why that is worth a mention), junior high school (surprised that even still exists) and high school....yay. woop woop. Thank you and that's quite enough. Call your parents--they are the ones that want to know.

Me? I would rather an indirect rant about something that may or may not have to do with someone I know.

I mean really networking has taken mommy/daddy bragging to a whole new level.  No longer is it simply enough to "talk" at length about your child...but now we need to see your child in their first day of _____ outfit, in 4 different poses!

And yes, I understand that I don't have to click on these images--but I am a social networking junkie and I have no self control. Granted I would rather be looking at pictures of your end of the summer social gatherings--but if I must look at pictures of your children--I suppose I will.

Bottom line is at the end if the day..I am blaming YOU for backing me into this corner.

I guess there is one silver least your not apart of the group that MUST photograph their every meal and blast it out to the world....

or are you???????

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you haven't lost your touch - although your last "your" should be "you're"! Thought it was a little harsh about the kiddies since after all, Facebook is basically used for silly stuff anyway but point well taken. Liked your reference to blaming everyone for backing you into a corner. Similar to blaming the cigarette vendor for forcing you to light that cigarette.
