Sunday, September 4, 2011

Welcome're dreams were your ticket out...

Whew..that was one serious break.

Thing is friends, it is not easy to blog on a regular basis--especially when this is not an "outlet" as much as it is a necessity for my online presence. There is some real pressure there. (Which reminds me...what do you think of the new look?)

Either way, I can report that I have lightened up a bit. I am thankful to be a regular contributor to a major media outlet and have freed myself from the confines of my basement office.

Though there exists no bigger fan of my rants, than myself...but I need to give purpose to this endeavor, something more than my opinion. So I will post interviews, stories, info you should know about---items of interest--whatever is shot down by my Editors along with the links to my published work.

And if you write some cool shit---I will give you your props and post some your links too.

Though no worries there will undoubtedly be a fair share of my opinion...this is MY corner afterall.

1 comment:

  1. While it is true that there is no bigger fan of your rants than yourself, I believe I am in the top 5! I like the changes on the site although posting a comment on this sucker is a bit challenging in the beginning! (Forgive my overuse of exclamation points!) PS - it's "were your ticket out".
