Sunday, August 15, 2010

writer's block

is frustrating....

I resign myself to surpassing this inner-conflict.

For some time I have felt that I was born in the wrong generation. I am a writer who enjoys a pen and paper. A book with real pages and coffee-splashed newspapers that leave ink stains on your fingers. The digital age, the wonderment of technology has resulted in a certain inconvenient separation from the art of writing. I am sure some of you are thinking that I have lost it---and that writing is now more convenient than ever....

I suppose the best (and most ironic) way of looking at this is--pretend my organic, raw connection to the words that flow out of my head is your cell phone reception. When I sit in front of this screen the reception can get spotty and the connection to my craft can go in and out.

Now if that wasn't a way to depict the oxymoron that is an old soul in a modern age.....

That aside, I am going to hit these keys until it feels right--and you get to watch me rock---or crash and burn.

I repeatedly hear the same phrase: this day in age you can not be a writer without a blog. I personally would appreciate an assignment--but since I am strong-armed into being tech-savvy--here we are at the most random virtual esquina you've ever visited.

I think writing a blog has been so difficult in the past because to me--it is like reality TV. (Something that come hell or high water, I will not succumb to).  As much as I think my thoughts and views are interesting....I am a realist, and I know that there are things out there...issues and anecdotes etc. that are way more entertaining than Lalo's latest pearl of wisdom (at least part of the time).

Well let's pay that no never mind (give yourself a Southern accent when you read that, much more fun that way), no more self-deprecating speech--let me mention something worth your time.

Oatmeal Cookie Martinis....

Now that is a drink worth mentioning. (you'll notice my propensity for beverages of the spirited kind). Absolutely like a dessert in a glass. Fetch Bar and Grill (do not have the exact address--but google it--they have not paid for the full advertisement) on the Upper East Side makes it. If you like Oatmeal cookies (and vodka)--it is worth the trip.

And this is my entry for today--up next a paid assignment on Childhood Obesity....( a girl's gotta eat).

If this didn't float your boat--even with my 2nd ironic association there at the very end--there is always tomorrow.

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